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The Gisborne Photo News



The Trampoline Trend

The art of trampolining, which until recently was a seldom-seen sport, has had a sudden boom in Gisborne in the last few months.

Largely responsible for this local increase in popularity are two school masters, Messrs J. McFarlane (Boys' High) and B. A. O'Connor (Manutuke), who have designed and built two trampolines for their physical education classes.

Pictures on this page were taken at the Manutuke School when the pupils, under the supervision of Mr O'Connor, were demostrating their skills to staff members of the Riverdale School.


Mr O'Connor watches closely as Patrick Katipa somersaults high in the air


At the height of his bounce Patrick executes a backward somersault.


Waves to photog. on upward journey


Going down...
Three shots taken in quick succession of 6-year-old Patience Kawenga going through her paces.


.... Ooomph!!