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The Gisborne Photo News



About People

Ten Thousand Dollar Pies

3 Months' Music

25 Years Of Night School

A Great Combination


For Roland Croskery of the Kiwi Home Cookery in Derby Street these pies look like being worth $10,000 each! They are the last pies he baked after winning the fabulous $200,000 first prize in the N.Z. Trotting Cup sweepstake. This also means no more tedious early mornings in the bakery either, Mr Croskery is pictured with Mrs Fay Caughey who actually sold him the winning ticket. (If you had to count the pies you'll find that two were tossed in for discount!)


Double B Flat bass player Ray Wood returns home after a hectic but very enjoyable tour of North America with the New Zealand National Band. On hand to greet him are his family who are, from left, Raewyn, Ian, wife Shirley, Kerry and Lianne.


Mr Frank Moss (left) has retired after teaching welding at the Boys High School night classes for the past 25 years. He is being presented with a token of appreciation by the school principal, Mr Mel Simpson.


Senior club player Ivor Crafts and the youngest club member, David Baty (12), combined to take out the progressive pairs in the annual tournament for the Mrs Fred Barwick Rose Bowl, Ivor was the top skip while David was the top lead.